Dr. Laura: Today's Women are Whores

Dr. Laura: Today's Women are Whores


NY Post - The hypocrisy of Dr. Laura Schlessinger knows no bounds. Despite the skeletons rattling in her own closet, the acerbic radio gabber slams today's women in a new book, claiming the typical American female is a slut. "Men see women as sex objects when women act like unpaid whores . . ."

Schlessinger writes in "The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage," due from HarperCollins in January: "Now it is difficult to find the male who values virginity, purity and innocence when females dress like babes and perform oral sex and intercourse without even having to be fed dinner . . . Who cares about vows - after all, why buy the cow when the milk is free."

Schlessinger's tirade may seem contradictory to some considering her own past behavior. In the mid 1970s, when she was in her early 20s, Schlessinger posed nude for a boyfriend, the late radio talk-show host Bill Ballance, who years later posted the full-frontal shots on the Internet. And soon after, she started seeing a married California doctor with three kids who subsequently left his wife for the homewrecker.

The therapist, now 59, also spanks wives who complain about their husbands being too horny, "as if being desired were some kind of intrusion or insult . . . Get over yourselves and get under your men (although most men enjoy their women on top, too)! If you don't, when the kids are up and out, he'll likely be with them."

She adds that one key to a good marriage is for couples to be kind to their own families. "It is amazing to me how many people treat absolute strangers with more courtesy, kindness and sensitivity than their own spouses and families," she complains. Yet for years, Schlessinger was estranged from her now-deceased mom and she remains estranged from her sister.

It's unlikely Schlessinger will be bothered by any criticism, as she's been in the frying pan plenty of times for past remarks. The gay community once ripped her for calling homosexuality a "biological error."

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